Saturday, July 19, 2008

Mistakes are part of life

This scarf is the first thing I've ever knitted which will have a price tag on it. For that matter it's the first piece that's going to be part of an exhibition too. So that's all pretty exciting. I'm donating it to the Breast Cancer Neck Decorations exhibition through Craft ACT. So if you like it, you can buy it, although I don't know exactly when or where because the date and locale for the exhibition is still a bit up in the air... Check the blog link above for updates, I guess.

The yarn is hand-spun and hand-dyed Annie Gregg 100% mohair from Tumut, NSW. It was really itchy before I soaked it for blocking and thankfully the itchy bits have relaxed now. I love the colours which I call "rainbow and astroturf"! Anyway, the title of this post came about because this scarf started off as Taphophile's Short Circuit scarf but I misread the pattern and it became something different and I love it! It's fairly short because I didn't have very much yarn. I had some more in a slightly different dye lot and tried to kid myself that it would be ok and added it on. But even though others assured me it was ok, I couldn't live with it. The shade change glared out at me everytime I looked at it so I ripped it back and it is now a short woman's scarf or one for a girl instead. I've priced it at $40. Does that seem about right? It is gorgeous!


Jennifer McMillin said...

Hi Beth,

The scarf is beautiful - I think someone will definitely pay $40 for it. Nice when mistakes turn out to have been for the best!

I knit too and am just working on my first jumper. I've made lots of scarves and blankets and am really enjoying making something that has shape! Maybe I'll actually finish it someday!


PS. I feel like I've just solved a mystery Ms Beth Bynnag! Nice to see photos of your trip Rachel! He he....

Denise said...

It looks great! I think the price is about right - there are a lot of pieces in the show which are VERY expensive, so $40 will be affordable to many people, in comparison.