Monday, September 29, 2008

Vibrant embroidery through heavy eyelids

The last time I moved house I didn't sleep right for about 2 months. With my impending next move now less that 3 weeks away, the sleeplessness has just begun again. Oh, boy. The upside is I was done at work by 1.45pm and have had a blissful afternoon of veging out in front of TV of varying quality ranging from the crap (Entertainment Tonight and The Bold and the Beautiful - each full of freakishly proportioned semi-humans) and excellent (SBS Food Safari Pakistan edition. Mmm - Yum! and Seachange - I never saw it all those years ago).

The other lovely thing I've been doing this afternoon is exploring the world of Takashi Iwasaki's art and in particular his embroidery. I'm an instant fan!

Nyokinyokinijiirokousen by Takashi Iwasaki
Embroidery floss and canvas (hand embroidered)

Traffic Jam by Takashi Iwasaki
Mixed media on paper

1 comment:

Denise said...

Good luck with the move - ALWAYS horrible things.

Ooh, I love the Iwasaki embroidery too! Reminds me a bit of Paul Klee ..