Saturday, June 7, 2008

Teabag strings update

I've been blown away by the response from tea drinkers to my tea bag string collection. Here it is so far! I haven't counted yet but definitely have enough to start experimenting with some ideas. Thank you so much, everybody! Now I've just gotta find some really thin needles and get started.

If you have been collecting tea bag strings and want to continue, that is fine because I think I will need more, but if it's all getting a bit much you can probably give it a break cos it's probably going to take me a while to progress through the experimental phase.

You may have noticed from the picture that many people have been leaving the tags on their strings. Initially I didn't think I wanted this but now I think that's great. I never realised there were so many different brands of tea out there so I'm gonna make some use of the tags too- maybe around a frame or just a mosaic type of thing.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Will you be at SnB tonight? I have some more to give you - not many though. My husband keeps throwing them out!